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Monday, 24 September 2012

Logical Interview Questions2

                      Logical Interview Questions

  1. There are three boxes with fruits: one box with apples, one box
         with pears,and one box with both apples and pears. The boxes
         have labels that describe the contents, but none of these labels
         is on the right box.How can one, by taking only one piece of
         fruit from one box, determine what each of the boxes contains?
  1. There are two tins and 50 Red, 50 Green balls, so you have to
         distribute these ball such that the probability of picking a REB
         ball should be greater than probability of picking GREEN ball from
         these boxes, assume that choosing the box also random. 
  1. There is one patient, he has to take two different tablets each night
         other wise he will die, if he take two tablets of the same type,
         he will die. One day while taking tablets he got one from one box,
         two from other box.The problem is both type of tablets are same size,
         color, weight. So Give him a suggestion how can he complete
         his medication. 
  1. There are 25 horses and only five tracks in a race. How do you find the
TOP 3 horses of all the 25 horses, provided there is no stop clock? 
  1. There are 10 machines which produces balls, but there is a
one defect machine which is producing 1 gram less ball but same size.
Given that you have to use once weighing machine find out the
defect machine. Each ball weight should be 100grams. 
  1. Find the angle between minute and hour hand in a anolog clock. 
  2. There are 4 buckets of coins. Real coins weigh one gram each.
         fake coins weigh 2 grams each. Each bucket is fake (contains only
         fake coins) or real (contains only real coins). You have weighing  
         machine, which can be used for only one weighing. If there are 9
         coins per bucket, how can you determine all the buckets that are
         fake with just one weighing.
  1. In a village in each family they give birth to children till they get a boy.
IF girl child they try again. What is the ratio of boys to girls.
  1. There are $1070 dollars how to split them into bags such that asked for
 any denomination from $1 to $1070 , u must b able to give
without opening bag.
  1. A banana plantation is located next to a desert. The plantation owner
         has 3000 bananas that he wants to transport to the market by camel,
         across a 1000 kilometre stretch of desert. The owner has only one camel,
         which carries a maximum of 1000 bananas at any moment in time, and
         eats one banana every kilometre it travels. What is the largest number of
         bananas that can be delivered at the market? 

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Logical Interview Questions


                        Logical Interview Questions                      

  1. 8 bottles of wine is given(bottles are numbered from 1 to 8). One of these
bottles is poisoned. When wine from that bottle is given to a person,
he dies after 1 hour. You need to find the bottle with poison by using
minimum number of people for serving the wine from these 8 bottles and
 tell me the poisoned bottle number in 1 hour - based on the people alive and
based on the people dead. There is no restriction on the number of people
 die/alive. You need to minimize the number of people needed for your
experiment(I mean - number of people to which u will serve wine).

2.   Given 2 egss and a building with 100 floors. Egg dropped from floor-number
k or above(i.e k, k+1, ... 100) will be broken. Otherwise(i.e. when dropped from
floors 1,2,... k-1), egg is not broken. If you are given only one egg and asked to
find out "k", u will have to obviously start from floor 1, floor 2, .... and go
(reusing the egg) till the egg breaks.
(1)  If u r given 2 eggs, what is the minimum worst case "number of drops" to
      find k ? What is ur strategy ?
(2)  If u r given 3 eggs, what is the minimum worst case "number of drops"
to find k ? What is ur strategy ?
(3)  In general, for n floors(not 100 floors) and m eggs, what is the minimum
      worst case "number of drops" to find k ? What is ur strategy ?

  1. Given n balls and a balance. Find odd ball(at most 1 odd ball in all the questions)
With minimum number of weighings:
(1)  Odd ball exists(we know that the odd ball is light).
(2)  Odd ball(Light/Heavy not known) exists.
(3)   Odd ball is light/heavy known (odd ball may or maynot exists). We need to
 find the odd ball,  if exists; tell that there is no odd ball if one doesn't exist.
                 (4) Odd ball is light/heavy not known, odd ball may or maynot exist.

  1. There are 4 buckets of coins. Real coins weigh one gram each. fake grams
weigh 2 grams each. Each bucket is fake (contains only fake coins) or
real (contains only real coins).You have weighing machine(not balance),
which can be used for only one weighing. If there are 9 coins per bucket,
how can you determine all the buckets that are fake with just one weighing.

  1. You are blindfolded and taken to a room, where you are asked to kneel.
You feel hundreds of circular discs lying in front of you. You are told that
one side of each disc is painted red, and the other, green. There are exactly
129 discs that currently are red side up. You have to divide the discs into two
groups(both groups need not have same number of discs), such that
each group has the same number of discs showing the red colour.

  1. There are 100 doors in a long hallway. They are all closed. The first time
you walk by each door, you open it. The second time around, you close
every second door (since they are all opened). On the third pass you stop
 at every third door and open it if it’s closed, close it if it’s open. On the fourth pass,
you take action on every fourth door. You repeat this pattern for 100 passes.
At the end of 100 passes,what doors are opened and what doors are closed?
  1. There are four people A,B,C and D at the river bank and there is a boat,
each one row the boat in different speed.To cross the rever takes them in
 1min, 2 min, 5min and 10 mins respectively. Boat capacity is only two people.
If boat A and C then to cross the rever takes 5 mins. Question is, you have
to plan them in such a way  that everyone should cross the river in 17 minutes.
  1. A man has a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage. He must cross a river with the two
animals and the cabbage. There is a small rowing-boat, in which he can take
only one thing with him at a time. If, however, the wolf and the goat are left
alone, the wolf will eat the goat. If the goat and the cabbage are left alone,
the goat will eat the cabbage. How can the man get across the river with the
two animals and the cabbage?
  1. A light bulb is hanging in a room. Outside of the room there are three switches,
of which only one is connected to the lamp. In the starting situation, all
switches are 'off' and the bulb is not lit. If it is allowed to check in the room
only once to see if the bulb is lit or not (this is not visible  from the outside),
how can you determine with which of the three switches  the light bulb can
 be switched on?
  1. A banana plantation is located next to a desert. The plantation owner has
3000 bananas that  he wants to transport to the market by camel, across
a 1000 kilometre stretch of desert. The owner has only one camel, which
carries a maximum of 1000 bananas at any moment in time, and eats one
banana every kilometre it travels. What is the largest number of bananas
that can be delivered at the market?

Friday, 21 September 2012


Select  the one which is different from the other three responses.

1.   A)111       B)263       C)383       D)551


2.   A)CFJ        B)DGK     C)EHL      D)GJM


3.   A)SPOKE                    B)SMOKE

                       C)KOPES           D)POKES

4.   A)STEEL           B)BRASS








6.   A)368-358       B)254-244

C)122-114       D)156-146




8.   A)TROUSERS           B)COATS

C)SHIRTS                  D)JACKETS


9.   A)36         B)62         C)144       D)256