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Tuesday, 9 October 2012

string functions

Strings are used in string handling operations such as,
  • Counting the length of a string.
  • Comparing two strings.
  • Copying one string to another.
  • Converting lower case string to upper case.
  • Converting upper case string to lower case.
  • Joining two strings.
  • Reversing string.

strlen():-determines length of a string.

strcpy():-copy a string from source 2 destination.

strncpy():-copy achars of a string 2 another string up 2 specified length.

strcmp():-compares 2 strings(depends on b/w small & capital).

stricmp():-compares 2 strings(doesn't depends upon b/w small & capital).

strncmp():-compares 2 strings of specified lengtgh.

strnicmp():-compares 2 strings(doesn't depends upon b/w small & capital)of specified lengtgh.

strlwr():-converts uppercase string 2 lowercase string.

strupr():-converts lowercase string 2 uppercase string.

strdup():-duplicate a string.

strchr():-determines 1st occurance of a given char in a string.

strrchr():-determines lost occurance of a given char in a string.

strstr():-determines 1st occurance of a given string in another string.

strcat():-appends source string 2 destination string.

strncat():-appends source string 2 destination string upto specified length.

strrev():-reverse all charecters of astring.

strset():-sets all chars of astring with a given argument or symbol.

strnset():-sets all chars of astring with a given argument or symbol upto specified length.

strspn():-finds upto what length two strings are identical.



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