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Thursday, 16 August 2012


    Difference between Programming and assembly language
      Programming Language:-
                                                  A computer or electronic machine
      with coded instructions for the automatic performance of
      a  particular task.  

      Assembly language:-  
                                            Assembly language is nothing but
      a paltform of a programming language.It is called as
      operating system(os)  (or) machine language.

     A programming language can be edited and can be removed
     from a computer's machine language. Machine languages
     is stored in the form 0's and 1's,that is called binary
     language.Assembly languages have the
     same structure and set of commands as machine languages,
     but they enable a programmer to use names instead of
     Each type of CPU has its own machine language and assembly
     language, so an assembly language program written for one
     type of CPU won't run on another. In the early days of
     programming, all programs were written in assembly language.
     Now, most programs are written in a high-level language such
     as C. Programmers still use assembly language
     when speed is essential or when they need to perform an
     operation that isn't possible in a high-level language.


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